Monday, 12th December 2005, at 07:00 pm will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of the exhibition "Lettres et Livres". Bringing together three artists: Alexandru Rădvan, Doina Simionescu, Ciprian Udrescu, the exhibition "Lettres et Livres" is dedicated to the contemporary drawing, graphics and engravings. The drawing seen as a previous sketch for the painting, the graphic seen as a way of a artistically self definition or as an object like in the installation work "Black boxes" signed Doina Simionescu and the engraving seen as a Kavafis work foreword in the object books made by Alexandru Rădvan. The sharp and elegant drawing, but full of firmness of Alexandru Rădvan finds again so in the series of drawings dedicated to the Minotaurus, exhibit this year at the Biennial for painting, Prague, the second edition, as in that ten engravings that illustrate sequences from the Kavafis writings ensemble in five object books. Near this Doina Simionescu's "Black boxes" from different forms and measurements hide "letters et souvenirs d'amour", delicate drawings that presents hurried and flurried writings in pastel ink. Perhaps, just, Ciprian Udrescu's engravings carry us into a geometrical world, full of asperity, thru straight and well defined lines. But everything merge in mystery and in ineffable from the Ciprian Udresu's engravings that represents monolith rock's, to Doina Simionescu's "mystery boxes", to Alexandru Rădvan's shackled Minotaurus and Kavafis bygone times.

The events can be visited between 12th December - 21th December 2005. The gallery visit hours are: Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 07:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 06:00 pm.

Curator: Diana Dochia