Thursday, 28th June 2007, at 07:30 it will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of the exhibition "Ideal Spleen" signed Ana Maria Micu. The public interested in contemporary art will be able to visit the exhibition from 28th June - 28th July 2007.

Ana Maria Micu had studied at the University of Arts and Design, Cluj Napoca, Romania. The first solo exhibition "Bloom" was in 2006 at Anaid Art Gallery. She participates into a series of group exhibition and was selected in 2006 and 2007 for the exhibition "BP Portrait Award", National Portrait Gallery, London.

"Ideal Spleen" continues into a certain directions the problems putted in questions in the framework of the exhibition "Bloom". Thought different, the theme of the exhibition "Ideal Spleen" is given back thru the visual conversion of three distinct subjects and variations of these: self-portrait, fragment idea and interior scene reinterpreted in the framework of some hiperrealistically images.

The way of representing the self-portrait is one very simplified at the visual image level thru the lack of time and space details. The self-portrait seen as a reflected image without being the identical with the one who is reflected, represented a long way of searching and interrogations thru the own person, thru the concept of being, of existing.

The artist said: "For me, self-portrait is an obsessive theme and, from a certain moment in time, I began to consider it as a chaotic method to learn through failure". The emotive representation of a individual that is at the limit between ecstasy and agony, the tendency thru isolation and in the same time the necessity of integration into a social medium.

The interior scenes remember of abstract and minimalist structures, temperate the excess reclaimed to calophilie that can be identified in the formal elaboration of the self-portrait and of the static human structures.

For the fifth exhibition from the framework of the program "anaid art + architecture project", initiated by Anaid Art Gallery and Studio Kim Bucsa Diaconu, the architect Attila Kim will create a structure from prefabricates on the surface on that it will be placed the 12 works, the way of reading becoming in this way unitary.

The gallery visit hours are: Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 07:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 06:00 pm.

Curator: Diana Dochia