The programm  represents a program initiated by the contemporary art gallery Anaid Art Gallery and the architecture studio Studio Kim Bucşa Diaconu that will be developed on the 2007 exhibitional year.

anaid art + architecture project will be launch in the same time with the reopening of the exhibitional year in the framework of the contemporary art gallery AnaidArtGallery.

anaid art + architecture project represents in the Romanian exhibition practice a new way of seeing and managing an artistic project of contemporary art. The architectural frame of exposure will be made by the architects Kim Attila, the winner of Corian DuPont Award of the Biennial Architectural Exhibition in Bucharest 2006, Adriana Diaconu and Tiberiu Bucsa, the founders of the architecture company - Studio Kim Bucsa Diaconu.

anaid art + architecture project imposed itself as a necessity in the practice of contemporary art exhibitions, of making a proper atmosphere and fitting out of the space meant to put to account the artistic concepts. The curatorial practice at an international level includes within the frame of the curatorial project the collaboration between the curator and the architect of the exhibition after whose plans the architectural arrangements are made, and the latter being based upon the concept of the entire exhibition. The attempt of establishing and going through the artistic steps in the frame of some mobile architectural structures shall lead to a better visibility and perception of the artistic phenomenon.

anaid art + architecture project wants to be a kind of launching platform of some contemporary art projects through a ceaseless metamorphosis of the gallery's interior space.

anaid art + architecture project aims at the interaction of the public with the contemporary art through architecture and with the architecture through contemporary art.

anaid art + architecture project suggests another way of reading and reflecting upon contemporary art and a new way of seeing and interacting with a space meant for contemporary art.

anaid art + architecture project is a premiere in the Romanian curatorial practice.


The program  will be launched Thursday, 25th January 2007, at 07:00 pm with the opening of the painting exhibition "CiderForest" signed Ioan Sbârciu. The public interested in contemporary art will be able to visit the exhibition from 25th January - 18th February 2007.

"Cider Forest", recent project, proposed and realized by the artist Ioan Sbârciu reunites a series of works that have as starting point the social, political, economic and mediatic phenomen " Roşia Montană". The tragedy of the man and the nature, in the context of Roşia Montană was been developed in other series of works named "Roşia Montană". The pure gestualism, that outlines in the framework of the large dimensions works make allusion to the Transylvanian landscape thru a well-balanced swing between abstract and figurative. The landscape, as pictorial gender, is reengaged and reinterpreted in the framework of some reiterations of the plastic sign thru a strong lyrical and technical vigor demonstration.

To assume the social-political phenomen of Roşia Montană and to take position against this phenomen is outlined into an artistic formula different from the other protest formulas that you can see to the younger artist generation. The esthetic dimension assumed by the painting of Ioan Sbârciu indicates a pleasure for sensorial generated to the viewer’s level a reflexiv-meditativ attitude. In this way Ioan Sbârciu's works excel the limitate framework of a simple reaction against a social-political event of the contemporary Romania, obtained the valences of an universal drama thru which the mysteries is submitted step by step to disappearance.

Preeminent personality of the clujean cultural-artistically life, the painter Ioan Sbârciu is known by the public also in his quality as a rector of the University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca. The remarkable artistic activity is emphasized by numerous solo and groups exhibitions, national and international, from that we will mentioned just some of them: "The friendship Mysteries", Museum of Art Cluj 2005, International Contemporary Art Biennale Prag, 2005, "Lupertz - Sbârciu. Drawings" 2006, "Sbârciu/Painting/2006", Cultural Center Palatele Brâncoveneşti - Mogoşoaia. All this artistically actions had made as Ioan Sbârciu's name and works to be found in public and private collections in more than 20 countries.

The gallery visit hours are: Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 07:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 06:00 pm.

Curator: Diana Dochia