Thursday, 12 of April 2007, at 7.30 p.m. will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of painting exhibition Chroma Sky (Blue Key)” signed Cătălin Petrişor. The public interested in contemporary art will be able to visit the exhibition from 12 of April – 12 of May 2007.

The “Chroma Sky (Blue Key)” project proposed by Catalin Petrisor is based on the same device known as “chroma key” or “blue screen” used both in photographic art and cinematography. The project doesn’t has as a goal the using of an images obtained through the “blue screen”/”chroma key” method nor does it illustrate stages of it such as photographing, digital elimination of the blue areas or replacing them with another image.

The references regarding this method is discreet and vague, sometimes confuse. Catalin Petrisor chooses the sky as a natural „blue screen” obtaining images which accentuate this idea through the use of some tricks. On the image of the sky were applied a series of digital effects such as the inversion of perspective, multiplications, chromatic inversion and mechanical effects such as cuttings, folds etc.

All of these leading to the understanding of the sky not as a natural element, but as an artificial one, having a similar role with a blue canvas, the studio element vital for using the method “blue screen” / “chroma key”. 

The watcher will be the one who will finish the work, everyone having the possibility to replace the blue screen creating in this way his own images.

The three elements, the blue of the canvas, the silhouette of the watcher and the spontaneous image from his mind make the project proposed by Catalin Petrisor within the framework of the “Chroma Sky” exhibition.

Cătălin Petrișor uses as an expression way painting considering that offers “a way of forcing or expanding image’s perceptive and interpretative possibilities. Painting is a reproductive imperfect and subjective medium, where information is lost and transforms its self”.  The images are seen as unsolved intrigues from an intuitive parallel world, at a border between real and supernatural, seen under the shape of some intrusive actions of the unusual in the logic of an ordinary moment.

For the third exhibition within the program “anaid art + architecture project”, initiated by Anaid Art Gallery and Studio Kim Bucşa Diaconu,  the architect Attila Kim offeers  by the transformation of the space the reading key of the concept Chroma Sky. 

The gallery visit hours are: Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 07:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 06:00 pm.

Curator: Diana Dochia