„You could not remove a single grain of sand from its place without thereby… changing something throughout all parts of the immeasurable whole"[1], Johann Gottlieb Fichte


The exhibition "Out of the Black. Experiment X" signed by the artist Alina Aldea from Kube Musette Bucharest continues her concerns regarding the ambivalent approach to chaos and order from her previous artistic projects. The chaos theory, as we find it in the philosophical writings of Giles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, may represent the reading grid of the exhibition. A series of drawings and an electronically controlled installation examines the idea of a regular and predictable system even within a phenomenon that may seem completely accidental. Each element plays a different relationship with the chaos.


Deleuze and Guattari defined chaos not so much through its disorder, but rather by the infinite speed with which each form is born in their own viduum[2]. Alina Aldea's drawings and installation projects all the possible forms which appear to rapidly disappear, without having a particular reference or consequence. The artist's works describe within a system of perfectly ordered lines, a chaos, seen as an infinite series of appearances and disappearances.


Applying the mathematical theory of chaos, the "butterfly effect" on the electronically controlled installation "Out of the Black - Experiment X" describes how a small change in the state of a deterministic non-linear system can lead to a large state of differences over time. Thus, the chaotic complexes have certain patterns, constant return loops, repetitions within the dynamic systems, which are extremely sensitive to the initial conditions. Therefore, if any small change occurs in one of the determined non-linear system states, this can lead to large differences in results during a later phase. This can easily be observed by the viewer when they mentally try to replace or remove an element from the drawings or just follow the path of a single fluff in the installation. This small change from the initial condition will lead to another image, independently formed in the viewer's mind, and significantly different from the one imagined by the artist.


Alina Aldea argues her artistic process through the role she attributes to the viewer, active or passive, which she considers to be the generator of the Chaos-Order algorithm. Thus, the balance between chaos and order is given by the viewer. The minimalist abstract language of the exhibition and, above all, the installation "Out of the Black - Experiment X", as the artist affirms: "questions the idea of identity in the contemporary society in an abstract way and reveals a language of a fragmented society: between chaos and order, absence and presence, migration and stability".


Alina Aldea's works convey an easily noticeable movement, even within the rigorously sketched lines in the drawings. Illusion, fluidity, the energy of matter, weightlessness, are notions used by the artist to play within the experiment, in which the viewer is invited to reflect. There are no recipes, clear ways interpreting and reading the works; the viewer is the one who mentally decides how to relate to them.

Curator: Diana Dochia


[1] Johann Gottlieb Fichte, The Vocation of Man, Hackett Publishing Company, London, 1987
[2] Giles Deleuze şi Félix Guattari, What is Philosophy?, Columbia University Press, New York, 1994