Thursday, 5th of March 2015, at 07:30 p.m. will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of the exhibition “Boxes, drawers and a gibbon” signed by Raluca Arnăutu, curator Diana Dochia.The persons who are found of contemporary art will be able to visit de exhibition during 5th of March – 10th of April 2015.
Raluca Arnăutu has graduate the National Arts University in Bucharest, and she imposed in the last years in the contemporary art field by participating in several solo and group shows. Coherent within her artistic approaches, Raluca Arnăutu has developed her own visual language.
Exhibition project “Boxes, drawers and a gibbon” focuses around some old boxes and drawers found and reinterpreted. The boxes and drawers are invaded by truncated characters as if they are from a world that was disappeared from a long time.   
The small installations designed by Raluca Arnăutu remind us of Surrealist objects. The artist rummages around drawers, boxes and she is imagining things. Each object, no matter whether it is a drawing pin, an old velvet ribbon or a fragment from a hypothetical drawing, tells a story. Projecting her own phantasms within her works is initiated by arbitrary encounter with the object, leading to the apparition of a fantastic universe where multitude of colours given by various materials and an unusual association of textures and materiality create a world full of mystery.
The viewer becomes fascinated by this imaginary world where he can hear rustlings, noise and a playful gibbon that carefully stands over.
Anaid Art Gallery invites you to make an incursion in contemporary art from Monday until Friday between 11:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m. and Saturday between 10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Curator: Diana Dochia