Friday, 12 of April 2013, at 07:30 p.m. will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of the exhibition “ABlackJECTION” signed by Zsolt Berszán, curator Diana Dochia.The persons who are found of contemporary art will be able to visit de exhibition during 12 of April – 17 of May 2013.
Zsolt Berszán is a graduate of University of Art and Design, Cluj - Napoca, Romania. Zsolt’s Berszán artistic creation and exhibition already extend over a decade, during which the artist was both in Romanian galleries and museums and in galleries and museums abroad. One of the most ample and important personal exhibition abroad is the one that took place in 2010, “Genesis Project” at MODEM - Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, Hungary. Another major participation, extremely important was within the group exhibition from 2012 “European Travelers - Art from Cluj Today” organized by the Műcsarnok - Contemporary Art Museum from Budapest, where the artist Zsolt Berszán presented four great sizes drawings and two concrete objects. The three drawings will be shown in the exhibition “ABlackJECTION” at AnaidArtGallery. The first collaboration of the artist Zsolt Berszán with AnaidArtGallery happened when it was opened for the public the exhibition “Black Objects” in 2010.
The project “ABlackJECTION” should be decoded in the philosophical key that Julia Kristeva proposed to us, where the abjection is given by that part within us that we exclude, the one we want to remove. According to Julia’s Kristeva theory, “abjection” exists somewhere between the concepts of object and subject, representing taboo elements of self and being situated outside the symbolic order, facing an experience that it is permanently traumatic.
Zsolt’s Berszán works avoid the symbolical meaning, reaching to the point when, as Kristeva asserted “meaning collapses”. These are evidences of a place that existed before the beginnings, of a primary point from where all started. Berszán depicts in his drawings and paintings the primary turmoil where the violence of the unbinding has created the substance and existence. It is the moment when conscious and unconscious don’t exist, when the ideas of human and animal haven’t appeared yet, where, “I” and the “other” aren’t yet separated.
AnaidArtGallery invites you to make an incursion in the contemporary art from Monday until Friday: 11:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m. and Saturday:  10:00 a.m. – 06:00 p.m.
Curator: Diana Dochia