October 27 - November 19, 2010 Anaid Art Gallery Bucharest
Wednesday, 27rd October 2010, at 07:30 p.m. will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of the exhibition „Black Objects” signed Zsolt Berszán, curator Diana Dochia. The audience interested in contemporary art will be able to visit the exhibition from 27rd October - 19th November 2010.
Zsolt Berszán is concerned in the framework of his artistic projects for the development of large installation appealing from the intrusion of science and technology. The series of Black Objects comes from the using of cutting-edge materials in the framework of the designing and creation of the work of art that leads to a query, about our environment in that we are living, and about the way in that this common, mundane elements stresses an idea, a project, an artistic concept.
The "Black Objects" by Zsolt Berszán becomes in this way a query about the corporal bipolarity to the decomposition of organic body. Zsolt Berszán uses a series of industrial materials: black silicone, polyurethane foam, aluminum, concrete, asphalt. Black silicon used in the Zsolt Berszán’s artistic project becomes a leitmotif of his work. It is known that modern science see the life system silicon-based an alternative of the life system based on carbon. Silicium is the second element of the Earth's crust after oxygen, which is less reactive than carbon. Silicium is a constituent of silicon. Silicone is a mixed polymer organic - inorganic that has in its composition, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Using black silicone in the framework of the art project developed by Zsolt Berszán reminds the "black" problematic from the modern and contemporary art history - Malevich, Richter, Rauschenberg and Rothko.
Anaid Art Gallery invites you to make an incursion in the contemporary art from Monday until Friday: 11 a.m. – 07 p.m. and Saturday: 10 a.m. - 06 p.m.
Curator: Diana Dochia