IT ISN'T IMPORTANT, IT'S ONLY ART: Laura Pawela, Julita Wójcik, Oskar Dawicki, Anna Molska, Radosław Szlaga, Izabela Gustowska, Magisters, Joanna Rajkowska, Rafał Bujnowski, Zbigniew Libera, Sędzia Główny, Małgorzata Jabłońska, Azorro, Agnieszka Polska, Zuzanna Janin, Paweł Susid, Vesna Bu

June 17 - July 9, 2010 Anaid Art Gallery Bucharest
The exhibition "It isn't important, it's only art" is a way to raise the hand. It is an exhibition about the way in which the contemporary art reacts at the press indifference, to the lose of their authority in the audience, to the problem that it is putted harder in these days: has arts today a use? Is it necessary? And, if yes, how? Questions that are directly assumed attacked frontal and by that the answer is into a rough and honest manner.