On Thursday, 19th March 2009, at 7.30 p.m. at ANAID ART GALLERY will take place the opening of the exhibition “Generation Djihad” signed Tara. People interested in contemporary art will be able to visit the exhibition from 19th of March – 17th of April 2009.

The press conference will take place in the exhibition space at Anaid Art Gallery at 5.30 p.m.

Tara, the most disputed Romanian artist, will reopen the exhibition season for AnaidArtGallery with the project “Generation Djihad”. After the series of exhibitions “Black Rumania”, “Apocalyptic for Everybody”, “Finis Mundi” presented in Romania and “Into the night of loneliness” presented in Germany, in Bochum, Tara returns with a new virulent exhibition addressed to the war theatre of the world.

Generation Djihad is an exhibition about the massacres of the world we are living in. It is an exhibition about war, terrorism, conspiracy, radicalism.

Deeply marked by what he reads and sees in media, by the massacres shown on TV and by the wars that simply became bloody publicity, Tara proposes a series of 60 virulent drawings addressed to the weapon conflicts of the world.

Interrogating the relationship between the victim and the aggressor, Tara can often be seen as partial, cruel, or subjective; but he is never indifferent, he can not pass as unconcerned.

No matter if we are talking about a weapon conflict, a imaginary war or about an interior anxiety, the exhibition Generation Djihad describes a state of mind, describes the world that we are living in and the societies that surround us.

The exhibition Generation Djihad does not want to impose an ideology, does not sustain a moral instance, it does not give verdicts and does not constitute a political debate; it is simply an artistic act that talks about aggression.

AnaidArtGallery invites you to make an incursion in the contemporary art from Monday until Friday between 11 a.m. – 07 p.m. and Saturday between 10 a.m. - 06 p.m.

Curator: Diana Dochia