Thursday, 22nd February 2007, at 07:00 pm will take place at ANAID ART GALLERY the opening of the graphic exhibition "Cyberstar" sign Szabó András, curator Mirela Rădulescu. The public interested in contemporary art will be able to visit the exhibition from 22nd February - 22nd March 2007.

"Cyberstar” tackles the role and the situation of the individum in the contemporary societies, "a society that he considered hiper-reale", after Szabó András declares. A series of fifteen graphic works scratched on the surface of a plastic material made references to a hiper-real world, interference with the hi-tech technologies.

Elements taken from the real world, a block of flat, a street, the friend's portraits, the grandma, the cauliflower are integrated in the framework of black and white graphic structures that goes with the mind to the computer games, to the viewer opening a series of statics virtual images in which you can enter with the mind.

The limit between the real and the virtual world became more and more undefined; the virtual obtained real valences and pointed another start. This New World invaded by technology, cybernetics, the implantation of some objects or organic parts is always seen as a permanent straight with the traditions, with the vegetal or the sensorial of the death world. The idea of organicity is replaced in the New World by the nailon anorganicity, those envelopes the characters bodies.

Real/Phantastic, Organic/Anorganic, White/Black, Tradition/Innovation, and Noise/Quiet represents manipulated concepts in the framework of Szabó András's works, leading to the creation of some antagonist structures and situations.

The exhibition "Cyberstar" of the artist Szabó András represents the second exhibitional event in the framework of the program "anaid art + architecture project" initiated by AnaidArtGallery and Studio Kim Bucşa Diaconu that will be developed on the hole 2007 exhibitional year. anaid art + architecture project represents another way of seeing and making an artistically project, being a launch platform for the contemporary art projects through a continuous methamorphosation of the interior space of the gallery.

The gallery visit hours are: Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 07:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 06:00 pm.

Curator: Diana Dochia