For Tomorrow

Investigating the new materials in the works of Alexandru Rădvan
Ruxandra Demetrescu, Adrian Guță, Diana Dochia, Roxana Rădvan, 2014
For Tomorrow: Investigating the new materials in the works of Alexandru Rădvan
Publisher: Archetype Publications
Dimensions: 20.8 w x0.81 d x29.84 h cm
Pages: 148
ISBN-13: 978-1909492110
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For Tomorrow. Investigating the new materials in the works of Alexandru Rădvan - part of a larger  VISART: Contemporary Visual Art Conservation Platform project- explores Rădvan's works from critical and art historical points of view, examining the materials used by the artist in his artistic processes and creating a new way of seeing and investigating contemporary art.

The artist is preoccupied both by the material body of the work of art and by the context that generated it, and the way in which it is presented aesthetically and culturally. These contribute to his uniqueness as there are few artists who choose to become involved not only in their actual production but also in the manner in which their works are preserved.